Copyright Protection

Please remember that ALL written blogs (not just this one but everyones) are the intellectual property of the author, and are legally protected as such. Copying some ones entire blog, repasting it elsewhere, and then accepting credit for it is completely unacceptable and unethical.

With that said, I take this opportunity to share what I permit, and what I do not with my blogs. You do not need to contact me, in order to gain permission to share. I welcome sharing my blogs liberally. What you DO need to do is ALWAYS link to this site, especially to the page the blog is on. Bloggers rely on traffic stats to keep their sites very active, and higher up in search engines. When you do not link to the blog, you take that away from the blogger. This brings me to the do not. Do NOT under ANY circumstances copy any of my blogs in their entirety to paste on your social media platform; even with a link that is not permitted, because again that would take away from the traffic here. You are welcome to copy some paragraphs, alongside you using your own words to explain why you think some one might like or dislike the blog, along with the link for others to read the entire blog. Those of you who are guilty of this, please now take the time to go back and fix what you did. Thank you in advance.

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