Bed knobs and Broom Sticks, Hexes and Curses


I am writing this because I am noticing a strange culture out there.  The scenario I am noticing goes like this *Hey, can some one share a hex for….(insert their reasons for wanting a hex)*  Some one comes along and might issue some practical advice about hexing (no I am not taking about the Bible Thumpers aka Three fold or karma preachers) then some one else, who is not even the one making the request needs to jump on all over the one giving sound advice saying something like *Its their right, and craft they can do whatever they want. They asked for a hex not advice, just give them a hex, or move along*.   Sound familiar?  It is all too familiar for those of us that network.  It leaves me wondering since when was it, that communities became spell dispensaries without any kind of dialogue to help the one asking sort out exactly what they want, or offer up advice that might help avoid a mishap?   When was it, that communities decided that practical advice was to be frowned on and shunned?

I believe at least the latter question can be answered in two parts.   Firstly, it seems like this could be an over reaction resulting from enduring a whole lot of heel biting coming from the karma and three fold preachers.  Secondly, the ones frowning on it, may not have had any guidance from anything other than books, no one to teach them practical advice about hexing and cursing, and have little to no idea that the advice is very important for any type of spell casting, but especially hexes and curses.  Many of these types are younger witches, who got into witchcraft at the time witches started fighting back against the community preachers so now they are left with an impression that good advice is bad thing as well.   Which ever category one is in, I always wonder why this person is jumping in, and not the one asking for the spell in the first place.  How does this person know the proficiency of the one that wants to cast, or even enough about them to know exactly what the person really wants?  These are typically the reasons why a wise witch might come in with advice, yes even when some one just wants a spell.   The wise witch wants to figure out the best way to help this person achieve their goals rather than act like a Pez dispenser metering out candy.   If you are a know it all, or have zero interest in learning good ways to go about it when/if  you want to curse/hex, and just want witches to function as a hand out to you, then no sense on reading any further.  But if you are some one that would like to know some tips on responsible ways of hexing and cursing, as part of your perfecting your skill sets in regards to baneful magic, then please read on, and I hope this blog is of great service in helping you out.

Stick with your Proficiency Level:

Seriously, if you are going to hex or curse, do not start out with something beyond your scope of practice, or what you know little about!  IF you have to ask questions like *Is blood magic bad to use in a hex?…..Would my ancestors get angry if I invoked any to aid in hex/curse? Can I use graveyard dirt as part of a curse?….etc.* then it is obviously, that YOU should not be attempting it, because you know little about the format, or element in question.  Instead, stick with what you DO know how to use for your hex or curse, until you have become more proficient in something like blood magic, etc. where you would not need to ask such a question in the first place. 

What do You Want to Happen?

Really stop and think about this, beyond the phrase *I want them to pay for what they did to me*.  Of course you might want that, but that encompasses a huge umbrella of possibilities, some of which you may not have really wanted.  Be more specific.  Do you want them to have a long string of terrible luck, health issues, get robbed, get beat up, be racked with guilt?  The more specific you are about what you want, the better, plus this is a great way to gauge if your spell was successful, as you are casting for that certain thing to happen. 

Consider Mitigating Factors

This is important because in the heat of your anger, you may not have thought of the effect your spell work might have on your targets children, or other people that might make you feel ashamed or guilty about later on down the road.  We all have certain lines we do not want to cross, and regret down the road, and you do not want to make the mistake of later regret.  For instance, a woman once wanted to hex her exhusband and was seeking help to ruin his business.  A wise crone pointed out that in doing so, the spell caster would lose her alimony that the ex would no longer be able to afford therefore effecting her negatively as well.   So it was not an advisement not to hex, but an advisement that  maybe she should come up with a different type of hex. 

Consider Your Target

Hexes and Curses take time and energy.  I have cursed and hexed, and I have had other potential targets that I considered hexing, BUT took a long hard look at the target.  In these cases, they were already miserable, everything they touched fell apart, and they lived their live as if they themselves were a walking hex.  Did they really need more help with their shitty existence from me?  Hell No!  Really not worth the energy as any hex would have just been a typical day in their life anyways.  

Consider Yourself

It is best to avoid this kind of work if you are very tired or under the weather at all.  Wait til you are feeling up to task. Also, make sure your mind is sharp and you are able to visual and trance effectively.   Consider what your frame of mind is, and what frame of mind works best for baneful magic.  For me, if I am doing something like a hex or curse, I find it is most effective if I have worked myself up into a rage, and full on anger.   But I have met others who strongly feel they need a sense of calm in order to do best in this kind of work.  There is no wrong answer, the correct answer is you finding out which temperament your own state of mind should be in when working a curse/hex. 

When Seeking Other Hexes/Curses From Other Witches

Do not shut down the avenue of communication.  The Witches who have the best hexes/curses in their artillery (rather than crappy ones) are going to be the wise ones that may feel the info you gave is incomplete, and may ask for more details.  If you give thorough details to begin with, you may not be probed as much, but if asked questions for more insight, then this is a witch that is trying to figure out the best type of hex or curse tailored for the full situation.  If they wont part with a hex they created, they will likely suggest great ideas for you but are smart enough to find out more details first.  If you see some one else trying to shut such a witch as this up, politely ask that person to stop and let them know you appreciate responses, even from those trying to figure out everything going on, or advise you of any potential problems they see with advise given, or what you are asking. Expect the three folders, karma queens, harm nones to show up, they always do, no matter how much you state you do not welcome these rules that you do not believe in yourself.  Block them if they are too annoying or too much of a distraction.  

Plan accordingly

I am all for spontaneous immediate spells, even when it comes to hexes/curses, but the better planned, the more likely you will garner success, and the less sloppy the results.  Make sure you know when you are going to do it, if you will use moon phases, which stones, herbs, or any items that are best for this kind of work ahead of time.  See my blog on writing your own spells for ideas in this department

Wait a Few Days Before Carrying Out the Hex

Last thing you want to do is act on impulse and recklessly execute a hex.  You might be so pissed off at some one you are thinking about a hex.  Hold off a few days, when you have calmed down, then revisit the idea.  If you are still feeling that the hex is warranted, have at it, or you might decide by then it is not worth it, or was over a silly thing.   But it never hurts to give yourself the time to calm down, and if its meant to be, or needed, there is always later one to do this kind of work. 

Hexes Vs. Curses Is There a Difference?

That all depends on who you talk to actually.   However, I am of a Tradition that holds the view that there is indeed a difference.  Hexes are more like bitch slaps, meant to magically spank the target in some way so to speak.  Often, they might even accompany a lesson.  Curses, on the other hand, are for the most serious infraction, long enduring, do not necessarily have a lesson to teach, and really serve to seriously bring hell, sometimes even death to the recipient.  Thankfully, I have hardly ever had to do a curse. 

Looking back, pretty much all of this advice, can also be helpful for other type of spells you wish to do, not just hexes and curses.  However, where with Hexes and Curses, there is definitely going to be some kind of hurt behind it for some one, it is best to follow responsible ideas, to reduce the risk of unintended harm that a ripple effect of a hex could cause to the innocent people in the lives of the intended target.  

©2021 TraditionalWitchInMA


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